
This series explores the subject of balance, a theme that has become increasingly important in my life.

The illustrations reflect on the space between work and play, routine and spontaneity, hard and soft. Through the play and depiction of animals, plants and objects found in nature, reference is made to the natural balance of ecosystems on earth.

Balance has been published at Zócalo Sketchbook online. 


The work '1KG' presents a dichotomy between objects and creatures from nature, all of which weigh one kilogram, but are strikingly different from each other. It can be seen as a metaphor for life itself, which is made up of innumerable variables, all of which are crucial.


Work and play: as an artist both of them are equally important, but balacing them is hard.


Hard vs. Soft

Discipline - the key to success? Our society is characterised by capitalism, always higher, faster, further, better. Discipline evokes a certain toughness that is sometimes necessary to achieve something. In contrast, there is a generous approach to ourselves, mindfulness, emotionality - softness. Through hard and soft objects, 'Hard vs. Soft' represents a balance that is needed in life in order to grow and flourish.


Routine and spontaneity: one provides a familiar framework, the other opens up space for creativity, ideas and change. In my work, flowers represent the necessary balance between these opposites.


Heavy vs light. 

Petra Holländer ©2025 
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